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blog : Page 4

Diabetes: What Constitutes a Cure?

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 13, 2015

I recently received an e-mail from a woman suffering from Type I Diabetes. She heard me talk about the work we do here at Longevity Medical Clinic helping patients with Type II Diabetes overcome their illness until they are for all practical purposes “cured.” This writer took me to task for using that optimistic term. For her sake and yours, let me explain what I mean, and what we can and can’t accomplish here at the Clinic.

First, regarding Type I Diabetes: many people don’t realize that what we refer to as Type I Diabetes is not actually one disease. Instead, the term refers to a variety of medical conditions which have as their common denominator inadequate or defective insulin production. At this point, there is no well-established cure for the insulin deficiency diseases we call Type I Diabetes. Since each of these conditions has its own unique causes and characteristics, the cures we hope for will probably come piecemeal as physicians find ways to

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7 Essential Supplements

By Dr. Jerry Mixon June 6, 2014


  1. Vitamin C - Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin vital for immune function and for producing collagen, a structural protein connective tissue. The body requires vitamin C to form and maintain blood vessels, bone, and skin, metabolize amino acids, and synthesize hormones. Longevity Antioxidants with C & Bioflavonoids
  2. Vitamin B - B-Complex vitamins function as cofactors in biochemical reactions and are needed by the body to produce energy,
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The Five Worst Foods

By Dr. Jerry Mixon May 11, 2014


Stay far, far away from these foods and you'll be feeling fine. Just like it matters what type of oil or gasoline you put in your car, the same is true for your body. Don't sacrifice with a low-grade pantry. Upgrade to the best and your body will thank you!

  1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils / Trans Fatty Acids -- Hydrogenated fats are fats that are one step away from plastic. Plastic is virtually indestructible by biology, including in our bodies. This means that foods made with hydrogenated fats will not spoil or go stale as fast. Unfortunately, these oils are
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13 Tips for an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

By Dr. Jerry Mixon May 4, 2014


Inflammation can lead to increased risk of diseases. Follow these tips to combat a multitude of health issues, present and future.

  1. Eat organic produce, organic range-fed poultry, meat, dairy and eggs. Eating organic reduces the overall chemical stress on the liver, kidneys, and immune system.
  2. Eat vegetables of every color of the rainbow. The brighter the color, the higher the antioxidant level of the vegetable. Antioxidants soothe your body's chemistry.
  3. Reduce inflammation by balancing your blood sugars.
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Fat is Expensive

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 20, 2013

When your doctor tells you to lose weight, it’s not because they care what you look like in a bathing suit. We used to think that fat was just energy stored against the future, and that someday there will be a famine so the skinny would starve and the chubby would inherit the earth.

But that famine never came. We now know that fat produces a variety of hormones, peptides, and enzymes that can have wide-ranging impact on your health. Overweight people have increased risk of diabetes, dementia, cancer, sexual dysfunction, heart disease and strokes. It costs Medicare 50% more every year to treat an obese American compared to one of normal weight. The problem is only 20% of Medicare patients are normal weight.

If we Americans lost our extra weight, most of the healthcare crisis would disappear right along with the pounds.

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