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blog : Page 6

Fast Food & Allergies

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 13, 2013

Fast food is both fast and cheap. This makes it popular for parents and children alike. But beware, fast food does more damage than just making you fat.

A recent international study of asthma and allergies in childhood demonstrated that children who eat fast food three or more times per week, have a 30% increase in their incidence of asthma, eczema, and hay fever. Thus far, no one knows if it’s the high-fat diet or the fact that these kids tend to weigh more than normal, damaging their immune systems, or if there is something in the way of food additives or even the way the fast food is prepared, that is damaging these children.

There is obviously a lot we don’t know. But this much is clear, you should limit fast food for both you and your children to the status of an infrequent treat. Those quick takeout meals are convenient and inexpensive, but they may be dangerous.

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Hope for Hair Loss

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 12, 2013

If you are not yet bald, but are getting rather thin on top, there is an new option to help you grow new hair. It’s called platelet rich plasma injections.

Platelets are tiny structures in your blood, which helped plug little breaks in your blood vessels. Platelets contain nine separate growth factors which are released to trigger rapid healing should you suffer damage to a blood vessel. In this procedure a few vials of your own blood are drawn with a needle. The blood is spun down and the platelets are concentrated and separated into a smaller volume of plasma. This platelet rich plasma can then be injected into 100 or more tiny points across your scalp. The growth factors released seem to trigger the hair follicles back to robust growth.

I have seen men and women who have doubled and tripled the amount of hair on their head by this simple and relatively inexpensive procedure.

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Link Between Soft Drink & Incidence of Depression

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 10, 2013


A new study links soft drinks and depression. Researchers followed almost 264,000 people for 10 years. The study demonstrated rather convincingly that people who drink more than four soft drinks per day have a 30% increase in their risk of becoming clinically depressed.

Interestingly, it’s not the sugar, since those who drank diet soda had a slightly higher risk of depression than those who drank the sugared versions. The sugar, of course, will make you fat, raise your cholesterol, and increase your risk of dementia. But there’s something else that’s present in both the diet and sugared versions that seems to increase your risk of developing a

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X-Rays May Increase Risk of Cancer

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 9, 2013


We have known for years that exposure to x-rays increases the risk of cancer. Because America does more x-ray imaging than any other country on the planet, researchers have looked closely at the impact of medical x-ray studies on cancer incidence.

The best current estimates are that between two and 3% of all of the cancers in America are caused by medical imaging studies. According to the American Cancer Society, there were about 1.4 million new cancers diagnosed in the US last year. That means that last year alone, roughly 40,000 Americans got cancer due to their x-ray

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Men Need Testosterone & an Estrogen Blocker

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 8, 2013

Anyone who’s watched television these days has seen the ads touting testosterone as the cure for a man’s midlife blues, and as a way to enhance his romantic life. But here’s what they don’t tell you.

The vast majority of midlife men in America have too much fat on their midsection. Male abdominal fat contains an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone into estrogen. Failing to compensate for the increased estrogen production may result in that already-suffering midlife man suddenly discovering that he is in need of a bra. Filling a C-cup is not the goal of the typical low-testosterone man.

So before your doctor puts you on testosterone, make sure he carefully follows your estrogen level. If your ratio of free testosterone to estrogen is not at least 7 to 1 in favor of testosterone, you need to be taking an estrogen blocker.

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