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category : Nutrition
Protein & Weight Loss
The most important thing to understand about overall health and wellness, especially weight loss and lean muscle-building, is that it depends on several critical factors. A common misconception is that diet and exercise alone is enough to reach a healthy weight. At Longevity Medical Clinic our goal is to approach acquiring a healthy weight from all angles, identifying issues contributing to weight gain including hormone balancing, an appropriate supplementation regimen, and an adequate water intake and amount of sleep. And of course, a healthy diet that includes an ideal amount of protein and a focused exercise program will combine for ultimate success. Read more...
The following is a response to one of our Longevity patients who is
Alkaline Angst
Alkalinity is the next piece of pseudo-scientific silliness that frequently comes up when people talk about water.
What is the proper PH of your water? I’ve seen a ton of folks telling people how important it is that their water be alkaline. The reasoning here is that the PH of your body is generally alkaline (which is true and also a fancy way of saying your blood is salty), thus your water should match the PH of your body. Sadly, that oversimplifies the situation somewhat.
Before we tackle this one we need to establish exactly what is meant by “alkaline” and what exactly is “PH”. Most folks will tell you that PH is a measure of how acidic something is. They then conclude that since alkaline is the opposite of acidic, alkaline is good and acidic is bad. This view however has a few inaccuracies. First off, PH doesn’t measure acidity; rather, it measures how far it is from distilled water. The PH scale goes up to 14 with distilled water smack in
Liquid Nincompoopery
It never ceases to amaze me how angry people get when you take a shot at their favorite placebo. When I talked about water ionizers in my last blog, I clearly didn’t make many friends. Look folks, don’t shoot the messenger. I didn’t write the science; I just read it and passed it on. I’m very sorry if you bought one of these water ionizers. They don’t work, they don’t help, and the basic premise behind them is nonsense. You should indeed feel angry if you purchased one, not at me, but at the science-challenged nincompoop who sold it to you.
Believe me, I sympathize. The science here gets murky and it’s easy for perfectly intelligent people to be taken in by this sort of thing. Especially when any online search for water ionizers turns up so very many sites shouting how effective it is and brimming with “testimonials” from happy customers. That’s why I’m going to dedicate this blog to examining some of these claims under the light of some basic
Preventing AMD: Keep your eye on what you eat!
The number one question I get about eyes is… “Can you fix my eyes so I don’t need reading glasses anymore?” The best answer is…probably not, but there is hope! Somewhere around 40 most of us start losing the ability to flex our lens enough to see close up. By 50 I had reached the point that I needed weak reading glasses in dim light. Within three months of starting a total hormone replacement program including growth hormone, I was able to put the glasses away. I bought myself almost 10 years free of granny glasses. But eventually time and gravity always win and once more I am straining to see the small print.That reminds me of a more serious issue, the increasingly common “Age-Related Macular Degeneration”, or AMD. The macula is a small area in your eye with the highest concentration of visual receptors. Most people don’t realize that this is the only part of your eye that sees details, the 20/20 part of our eye. Most of the eye can pick up motion, colors, and