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Tag : physical

Spend Your Money on Something Other Than Your Annual Checkup

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 30, 2013

The annual medical checkup is worthless.

You have probably heard that you should go to your doctor at least once a year to get your annual checkup. But a recent meta-analysis of 14 large studies demonstrated that annual exams seem to have no significant impact on your health or survival. In fact, serious questions were raised about not just the unnecessary cost of the yearly routine physical, but about both the cost and harm being done to people due to over diagnosis and treatment of conditions that are found during the exams.

It seems that people who seldom or never get their annual physicals develop serious conditions, get hospitalized or die, at about the same rate as those who do. People who do go for their annual physicals spend a lot more money on both medications and medical care during their lifetime. But they are no healthier!

Spend your money with a comprehensive and preventative clinic like Longevity Medical Clinic. We believe we

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