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Tag : purify

Liquid Nincompoopery

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 3, 2008

It never ceases to amaze me how angry people get when you take a shot at their favorite placebo. When I talked about water ionizers in my last blog, I clearly didn’t make many friends. Look folks, don’t shoot the messenger. I didn’t write the science; I just read it and passed it on. I’m very sorry if you bought one of these water ionizers. They don’t work, they don’t help, and the basic premise behind them is nonsense. You should indeed feel angry if you purchased one, not at me, but at the science-challenged nincompoop who sold it to you.

Believe me, I sympathize. The science here gets murky and it’s easy for perfectly intelligent people to be taken in by this sort of thing. Especially when any online search for water ionizers turns up so very many sites shouting how effective it is and brimming with “testimonials” from happy customers. That’s why I’m going to dedicate this blog to examining some of these claims under the light of some basic

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