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Synthetic Marijuana Kills

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Beware of synthetic marijuana like this popular brand, Spice Diamond.

Dr. Jerry Mixon
July 10, 2013

Beware of synthetic marijuana like this popular brand, Spice Diamond.

There is a popular new drug sweeping the country is sold under the brand names of spice, potpourri, or synthetic marijuana. This is a designer drug that is supposed to give a mellow high very similar to the natural plant. It’s popular among drug dealers because they don’t need to take the time to actually grow marijuana.

There are no rooms full of growth lights or big commercial gardens where the plant can be grown and harvested. It can be made discreetly in a laboratory and distributed cheaply and efficiently. The problem is, it’s killing people. The new synthetic cannabinoid is causing kidney failure, respiratory arrest, and permanent brain damage. Because is often sold as a synthetic version of what is usually perceived to be a relatively safe high, most young people are not aware of the danger.

Tell your friends, tell your kids, be aware, synthetic marijuana is not marijuana, it’s a killer.

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Brain Damage
Kidney Failure
Respiratory Arrest

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