Diabetes: What Constitutes a Cure?
I recently received an e-mail from a woman suffering from Type I Diabetes. She heard me talk about the work we do here at Longevity Medical Clinic helping patients with Type II Diabetes overcome their illness until they are for all practical purposes “cured.”
I recently received an e-mail from a woman suffering from Type I Diabetes. She heard me talk about the work we do here at Longevity Medical Clinic helping patients with Type II Diabetes overcome their illness until they are for all practical purposes “cured.” This writer took me to task for using that optimistic term. For her sake and yours, let me explain what I mean, and what we can and can’t accomplish here at the Clinic.
First, regarding Type I Diabetes: many people don’t realize that what we refer to as Type I Diabetes is not actually one disease. Instead, the term refers to a variety of medical conditions which have as their common denominator inadequate or defective insulin production. At this point, there is no well-established cure for the insulin deficiency diseases we call Type I Diabetes. Since each of these conditions has its own unique causes and characteristics, the cures we hope for will probably come piecemeal as physicians find ways to overcome each of the individual factors that result in deficient insulin production.


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