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Little Things Count: Kids and Micronutrients

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What I want to know is: what can I do to make my baby daughter’s little brain as robust and resilient as possible?

Dr. Jerry Mixon
July 3, 2012

If you know anything about Longevity Medical Clinic, or about me, you know that I typically focus on ways we mature adults can improve our physical, mental and psychological functions during the last half of our lives. Today’s blog is going to be quite a bit different. That’s because, as many of you know, my wife and I recently had a new baby – and like all new parents I want my baby to be as smart, well-educated, happy and successful as possible in her life. So in addition to the usual hours I spend each day reviewing the latest literature describing what happens to us during the aging process, I’ve recently been spending a little time considering the other end of the life spectrum: child development. What I want to know is: what can I do to make my baby daughter’s little brain as robust and resilient as possible?

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Folic Acid
Iodized Salt
Vitamin B
Vitamin A
VItamin B12
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6

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