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Omega-3 for ADHD

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Today, a message of hope to those of you who have children with attention deficit disorder.

Dr. Jerry Mixon
February 4, 2016

Today, a message of hope to those of you who have children with attention deficit disorder.

In June 2012, a study was published dealing with children whose ADHD was not well controlled with Ritalin or similar drugs. These hard to control kids were put on 1000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids for six months, that’s about 3000 mg of fish oil. It was found that there was a significant improvement in how well these kids did at home and at school. The children were found to be less restless and aggressive. They were better in completing their school work and their academic performance improved. Parents and teachers reported that the kids were less impulsive and more cooperative.

But if you try this, you need to be patient. It took almost 6 months to see these changes. The good news is that Omega -3 Supplements ADHD fish oil is cheap, readily available, and its use has virtually no downside.

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