The Anti-Cancer Toolbox
As a physician, there is probably no single question I get more frequently than “What causes cancer – and how can I avoid getting it?”
As a physician, there is probably no single question I get more frequently than “What causes cancer – and how can I avoid getting it?”
We human beings always tend to look for that “one elusive thing” that will solve our problems. Even doctors do it. But the reality is that many things in life are made up of many small factors which combine in mysterious ways to produce big results. Cancer is one of those big things. There are many relatively small contributors that “cause” cancer and affect how it grows and spreads, and this complexity is why questions about cancer’s cause and cure are so difficult to answer.
In this blog we’ll focus on a few tips for cancer prevention. In upcoming blogs we’ll consider some supplements you should consider that we believe will help reduce your risk of getting cancer, and also suggest some things you can do if you already have cancer.


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