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category : Disease Prevention

How Multi-Cancer Screening Can Save Your Life

By Admin November 13, 2023

Early detection is key in successfully treating cancer, yet only four cancers are routinely screened for. Multi-cancer early detection tests are critical. Learn more!

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Berries Can Help Prevent Heart Disease

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 15, 2013


Berries help prevent heart disease. A study that looked at 93,000 nurses over 18 years, found that the more deeply pigmented berries they consumed, the lower the risk of heart attacks.

The magic number for blueberries, strawberries and raspberries seems to be about three servings per week. Even those women who were overweight, smoked, or suffered from diabetes had a reduction in their risk of heart attacks, when deeply pigmented berries were a significant part of their diet. But as expected, thin women who exercise regularly did even better than their sedentary and overweight counterparts.

Once more we find

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Ditching the Disease Management Model

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 29, 2013

We don’t have a healthcare system. What we have is a disease management system, but disease management is just second rate.

We should be working to make you as healthy as possible. Failing that, our fallback should be treating disease. Unfortunately, most doctors spend virtually all of their time treating disease rather than improving health. But improving health requires active participation by Dr. and patient, while treating disease is often done with the patient in a passive role. Unfortunately, most physicians have focused on treating disease for so long they don’t even know what the optimal laboratory and physiologic ranges are anymore.

When you see your doctor don’t accept normal as the goal. Ask what the optimal range is. If your doctor doesn’t know the difference between optimal and normal, change doctors.

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Focus on Health, Not Just Disease Management

By Longevity February 18, 2013


We don’t have a health care system. What we have is a disease management system, but disease management is just second rate. We should be working to make you as healthy as possible. Failing that, our fallback should be treating disease. Unfortunately, most doctors spend virtually all of their time treating disease rather than improving health. But improving health requires active participation by Dr. and patient, while treating disease is often done with the patient in a passive role. Unfortunately, most physicians have focused on treating disease for so long they don’t even know what the optimal laboratory and physiologic ranges are anymore. When you see your doctor don’t accept normal as the goal. Ask what the optimal

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A New and Improved Flu Vaccine

By Longevity February 15, 2013


Do flu shots make you nervous? Many people have hesitated to get their flu shots because they either have an egg allergy, or they are afraid that the virus in the vaccine might trigger a case of influenza. While the first worry does have some basis, the second worry is usually overblown. But now for people over 18 years of age, there is a new option. The FDA recently approved a new influenza vaccine called “Flublok”. The new technology used for the vaccine does not use eggs or influenza virus. Instead, specific proteins found on the surface of influenza viruses are manufactured in the laboratory. Since these proteins are made artificially and do not come from a flu virus, there is absolutely NO risk of getting influenza from them. I

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