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category : RX4Life

Over-the-Counter Does Not Equal Safe

By Longevity July 17, 2013


Over-the-counter drugs are not necessarily as safe as you would think. One of the most common classes of over-the-counter drugs used in America is usually referred to by doctors as NSAIDs. These are drugs such as Motrin, and Advil. We take them for headaches, sore muscles, and general aches and pains. But what most people do not recognize, is that these drugs resulted in 120,000 Americans being admitted to the hospital with serious bleeding from their stomach and bowel last year alone. Even scarier is the fact that 16,500 Americans died last year from the use of these drugs. Just because a medication is sold over-the-counter does not mean that it safe. In my own practice, I use a mixture that contains four separate

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Synthetic Marijuana

By Longevity March 20, 2013


There is a popular new drug sweeping the country is sold under the brand names of spice, potpourri, or synthetic marijuana. This is a designer drug that is supposed to give a mellow high very similar to the natural plant. It’s popular among drug dealers because they don’t need take the time actually grow marijuana. There are no rooms full of growth lights or big commercial gardens where the plant can be grown and harvested. It can be made discreetly in a laboratory and distributed cheaply and efficiently. The problem is, it’s killing people. The new synthetic cannabinoid is causing kidney failure, respiratory arrest, and permanent brain damage. Because is often sold as a synthetic version of what is usually perceived to

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Food Poisoning

By Longevity March 20, 2013


Each year, one American in six gets a case of food poisoning. Now, the Center for Disease Control has given us some new information on which foods seem to be causing the problems. Surprisingly, the single most common cause are leafy green vegetables, fruits and nuts. The single most common place for contamination of these foods is in restaurant kitchens. One contaminated food handler with bad hand-washing habits can spread norovirus to dozens or even hundreds of people. The second most common source of contamination is your own kitchen. They recommend that you be very careful if you use a cutting board for meat or poultry and then follow that up with the vegetables on the same counter or cutting board. Fixed the vegetables first, then

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Anticoagulants and Prostate Cancer

By Longevity March 20, 2013


One of the common therapies used in prostate cancer are drugs that interfere with a man’s production of testosterone. While this does slow tumor growth, there is a downside. With low testosterone men are at higher risk of forming blood clots in their legs, lungs and brain, not to mention sexual dysfunction, depression and chronic fatigue. As a consequence, many men end up taking anticoagulants to prevent those blood clots. An interesting paper just published shows that men who use anticoagulants have significantly better survival from their cancers than men who do not need these drugs. This intriguing bit of data is causing researchers to take a look at the anticoagulants, such as warfarin and heparin, to see

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Chemotherapy and Cancer

By Longevity March 20, 2013


Researchers at the National Cancer Institute, just published a study that followed over 400,000 cancer survivors for up to 35 years. They discovered that those people who received chemotherapy as treatment for their initial cancer were five times more likely to develop a new and unrelated cancer later in their lives. It seems ironic that the very treatment that helps save their life from their first cancer frequently turned out to be the very drug that caused later cancers, which put their lives at risk for a second time. When chemotherapy was coupled with radiation therapy, the risk of cancer in later life increases the most of all. I am not telling you this to discourage you from receiving radiation or chemotherapy to

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